

Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Véritable icône Byzantine qui trouve toute sa splendeur dans l'éclat de ses couleurs et de son fond d'or.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.