

Magnificent plaster statue of Our Lady of Wisdom.


Saint Joseph with Jesus on his shoulders, this is the beautiful statue of "la marche des Pères" (the father's walk) which takes place every year from Paris to Cotignac. The original is in the sanctuary of Cotignac.


Painted wooden statue of Our Lady of Fatima


Magnificent statue of Saint John Vianney.


Statue of the miraculous Virgin 


Magnifique crucifix en bois d'érable, d'excellente facture, avec Christ en bois sculpté, teinté et patiné.


Very pretty statue of the Pieta


Genuine Byzantine icon magnificently highlighted by the radiance of its colors and its gold backround.


Statue of the miraculous Virgin


Statue Our Lady of the Home


The Bible of Jerusalem bound in red


Magnifique crucifix, d'excellente facture, avec Christ en bois sculpté et peint à la main (peintures à l'huile et dorures) par des artisans du Val Gardena, en Italie.


Bust of Our Lady of Grasse